Discover Peace & Wellbeing
The classes will help you open your heart and mind and are for beginners or those who meditate on a regular basis. There are many different types of meditation, but there is no ‘one type fits all.’ With tips and tools to help you on your way, our experienced meditation facilitator will help you to develop your own practice of meditation, and discover what that peace feels like for you.
Meditation will follow morning yoga and stretching, and also take place on our walks in the tranquility of the landscapes around the retreat.
Changed my life completely…
I had never meditated or done yoga before but I loved every single minute.
Julia is such an inspiration in so many ways, leading the daily yoga and meditation sessions, sharing her knowledge of complimentary and holistic therapies for physical and mental well being, willingly offering guidance and advice and simply listening.
It has changed my life completely, and reminded me to slow down enough to appreciate the world that I live in.
Julia was an inspiring meditation tutor and I have learnt so much. Thank you very much.
We also meditated outside, sometimes by rivers and waterfalls, or in fields surrounded by mountains, with just the sound of a distant bell from the local flock of sheep.